Cerita Bodo-Bodo Dulu

Monday, February 26, 2018


Hola, kembali lagi ke Diary Depresyqu.

How my feeling today?
Numb. Yeah, I'm numb. Not happy, not sad, exhauted, yes. Tired, yes. Too sensitive, easily iritated with some 'noise'.
Aku mau memulai episode mengeluh-mengeluhku karena diri ini yang yah sangat payah sekali. Hal yang sama berulang-ulang kali.
Where is my will? Where is my life? What should I do? Why I'm like this?
Doing sme shit over and over again. What should I do to stop living like this? This miserable life?Stop doing stupid thing?

Someone deep inside the forest of thought in my head: Start by doing your shit done, bastard!

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