Lines and Walls, Trust and Be Honest to Yourself

Tuesday, December 31, 2019


That's when someone come, I tends to draw a line, build walls, but deep inside I'm rooting for someone that will stay with me, someone that never give up and understand, someone that keep me as cuma saya jii yang ada. Because this trust issue and insecurity feels like hell for me.
Bitter and loneliness that eat me from inside. There is a hole that filled with never ending worry and uneasy and fear. It makes me pity myself, why am I like this?
 Horrible mess.

Banyak dan Sedikit

Sunday, December 8, 2019


Jika orang lain yang kau kejar, lantas apa arti dari seluruh percakapan ini? Jam-jam malam yang dihabiskan di telepon? Kiriman-kiriman instragram lucu berikut curahan-curahan hari yang melelahkan?
Jangan membuat bingung.