The first thing I want to say, Youtube recommendation is no joke. They could recommend you to a lot of random things, and guess what? you somehow attracted to them. Random video about ambiance songs of Rohan LOTR with 3 hours length, funny historical fact video, ecosystem series by Netflix (they talk about Chernobyl also!), 2.5 hours documentaries of African Civilization (okay, I'm searching for this one) and to learn how people dressed at Victorian era! I don't know how the algorithm works, but let's take that as a chance to explore new things while we are limited physically and financially (and politically, because until now my country still has travel-ban to almost everywhere because they're bad to get rid COVID-19).
So, I stumble across a video about an introductory lecture about Human Behaviour Biology from Stanford. I never imagined myself so engaged with 50ish minutes video and another 15 videos with 1.5 hours long. I mean like, at this depressing time? when we tired with study on-screen online, it will be too much to pass the Friday night. But the way the lecturer explains is fascinating. I was like have "oh I see, I get it, wow!" moment. I just watch two videos and planning to watch all of the videos in the playlist.
Well, I don't know we can attend a series of lectures without actually enroll the class at university. I don't have a strong will and not 'smart' enough to pursue a scholarship, like, I'm too lazy to try. Yeah. So this free video on youtube really helps me. Not just I get freebies of knowledge, but I want to understand how professional educator delivers the class and make their students engaged with the topic. From what I see, he always taking example on daily basis we never really think of and explain this is how actually things happen. And the lecturer also very confident delivering the subject.
Well, I write this because I have some dumb thought about a concept the Professor talk about. It's about the Rock-Paper-Scissors scenario (???). We all know how RPS work (Rock-Paper-Scissors, I'm too lazy to write them, so yeah), right? Rock beat scissor, scissor beat paper, paper beat rock. So it's actually nothing can overcome to be the exact winner, because all of the options have both benefits and drawbacks. And this scenario actually pictures how biodiversity maintained and promoted. The scenario explained by the example of three strains of bacteria. Its like there are three types of bacteria:
A - fast growth, no resistance to an antibiotic.
B - slow growth, produce, and resistance to an antibiotic (they are slow because most of their energy used for producing an antibiotic, yet they're selective to what they can eat).
C - mediate growth, not-producing antibiotic but resistance.
I read this article to get more comprehension of how this RPS scenario works on bacteria. Okay, so in head-to-head competition (for resources of course, because the bacteria put in the same place). Bacteria A will easily be eradicated by bacteria B which produce an antibiotic. But, bacteria B will be banished by bacteria C, because bacteria C resistant to an antibiotic, and efficiently using their energy and reproduce more than bacteria B. Bacteria A will easily eradicate bacteria C because they can outgrow, and the resistance ability of bacteria C didn't work for bacteria A.
But, that's not what happens in reality. All those three bacteria co-exist together in the environment because they need each other to survive.
Bacteria A dependent on bacteria C, because they need it to keep bacteria B at bay.
Bacteria B needs bacteria A, to keep bacteria C from taking over their world.
Bacteria C depends on bacteria B, so there will be no too much bacteria A that could easily kill them.
That is. They cooperate with each other to survive.
Well, I write this long, actually, not to talk about bacteria. What I know about this field is so little, but I want to talk about the scenario if we bring this to the human world.
We know that we are the number one organism that wreck this world. With brain and that cognitive ability, the human population almost covers all parts of the continents. Never satisfied with what we have and super greedy.
Like, look at what we have now.
Because all of those big-fat-stomach never satisfied, foul soul that will do anything to get more and more even though it means that they should destroy the earth. Look at how people make policy that gives advantages to some party but bring misery to others. Look at how they turn forests into monoculture land. Look at how they didn't even think before they speak. I mean, like, it's another country that needs palm oil, but why they should plant it in here? Ohhh it's because their land is barren and big buildings already take over the whole country. But... that's their problem right? why bother our forest?
It's like they become greedy and greedier with everything that they have now. It's like they have holes on their skin so everything that come in always come out fast and will never satisfy them.
A creature like this, sometimes I wonder what will happen if Mother Earth get sick with us?
Like earth has its own system. If it gets hurt, they will repair themself. Same thing happens a million years ago. They always have mechanisms to heal. We are the one who need earth, not other way around. We should working hand-in-hand with the environment, to make sure they are still in here in the future. But now, it looks like we are eradicating other life besides human. Even, humans also eradicating humans. We can get higher education and even free lecture on the internet now, which we can use to understand better about how this world works and doing the best for all. But why, why some people like to take sick way to treat this planet.
Well, I write this because I'm already getting tired of everything that I read on social media and the internet and I need a place to throw them all. Here we are.
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