The Moon is Beautiful Tonight, So do You

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Hari ini kepalaku sakit sebelah. Kupikir ini efek samping vaksin yang kuterima beberapa hari yang lalu, tsetelah kuingat-ingat lagi, ternyata aku belum makan siang. Hehehe.

source respectfully from here

I'm so aware that I'm not getting lunch and just eat a piece of cake that I bought yesterday, but I'm too lazy to moving my ass and cook something.

I'm Back and Bored

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Hi, I'm back.

I actually still want to stay in my hometown, living slow living but the school have a vaccination program so I need to go back here. I just arrive and I feel sooooooooo tiiiireeeeeddddd. After a year stay at home (((stay at home))), not moving too much gain 'much' weight and it's makes me worry because I'm about to overweight. Okay, back to I'm super tired after a long trip. Hahaha long. But ugh in this time, this weather when its always raining every day I'm so scared when the plane goes through clouds and have turbulence. Why they can't just fly above or below the clouds and stay away from that so-called 'airquake'?