Scare and What If

Sunday, June 17, 2018


Desperately want to graduate from college this year.
Get a job for teaching in school.
Then have a saving account for my sisters' (in case) education.

But thought of something can go wrong, something that come out of nowhere and hit you in reality, fear of nothing makes me startled.

What if.
What if.
What if I'm stupid?
What if I'm not worth of it?
What if people think I'm unskilled?
What if nobody want to hire me?
What if I will leave behind?
What if the thing that wrong is me?


  1. Hai Kak, Assalamu'alaikum. Salam kenal, nama aku Rizka.
    Aku juga ingin lulus dari universitas tahun ini. Semoga bisa dan harus bisa ya.
    Ngomong-ngomong, aku suka dengan tulisan kakak.

    1. Waalaikumsalam, Rizka...

      Aamiin aamiin, semoga bisa lulus tahun ini dan segera dapat pekerjaan! :D

      Hehehehhe, makasih yhaa... udah mau mampir lagi ke sini, padahal aku sudah jarang nulis juga (sekalinya nulis malah darkdepressive banget gini T.T)


Kalau menurutmu, bagaimana?