It would be fancy
walking downtown
wearing corduroy, colorful sweater, and boot shoes
with books in your tote bag
sitting in the park
with orange hues in the sky
warming up your heart in the summer evening
It would be fancy
walking downtown
wearing corduroy, colorful sweater, and boot shoes
with books in your tote bag
sitting in the park
with orange hues in the sky
warming up your heart in the summer evening
Hari ini kepalaku sakit sebelah. Kupikir ini efek samping vaksin
yang kuterima beberapa hari yang lalu, tsetelah kuingat-ingat lagi, ternyata
aku belum makan siang. Hehehe.
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source respectfully from here |
I'm so aware that I'm not getting lunch and just eat a piece of cake that I bought yesterday, but I'm too lazy to moving my ass and cook something.
I'm back.
I actually still want to stay in my hometown, living slow living but the school have a vaccination program so I need to go back here. I just arrive and I feel sooooooooo tiiiireeeeeddddd. After a year stay at home (((stay at home))), not moving too much gain 'much' weight and it's makes me worry because I'm about to overweight. Okay, back to I'm super tired after a long trip. Hahaha long. But ugh in this time, this weather when its always raining every day I'm so scared when the plane goes through clouds and have turbulence. Why they can't just fly above or below the clouds and stay away from that so-called 'airquake'?
Awal Januari tahun ini untuk pertama kalinya dari sekian tahun menjadi dewasa aku main kembang api lagi. Bukan kembang api yang diarahkan dan meluncur ke langit, tapi jenis kembang api yang bisa dipegang. Niat bermain kembang api terjadi secara spontan, tiba-tiba saja ingin melakukannya. Saat temanku pulang, segera kumuncul di depan pintunya dan...
"Fi, bisa pinjam motor?"
Setelah diberikan benda suci yang bernama kunci motor itu, aku langsung ngacir cari penjual lappo-lappo.
So, how are days?
Like usual. Work, eat, sleep, stress, a Lil bit happy, nyebelin, repeat.
At least it's near holiday so I can take a rest from this busy world and do whatever I want. I'm planning to practice my ukulele playing. I learn how to do G chords wrong, jadinya masih belajar buat memainkannya dengan benar. Terus tahun 2020 kan mau habis, and I'm planning to finish my FF project that I already abandoned for 5 years straight, its only one chapter left. Terus keknya mau pulkam dulu deh, barang seminggu dua minggu.
Terus ngapain ya?
Wa udah pusing mikirin hal yang belum tentu bakalan aku lakukan dua minggu ke depan, sementara ada kerjaan menumpuk hari ini. But, excuse me it's saturday night, it's weekend. This is my time with my self. Coba kalau ngga Corona, was udah nongkrong di warkop, download Downtown Abbey sampai season terakhir.
Aku mau saaaaannsssss.
Oke in saja updatenya, hehehehe. Because I'm trying to get back to my writing habit.
and here, one of my belum lancar ukulele playing's footage (((but soon it will))).
The first thing I want to say, Youtube recommendation is no joke. They could recommend you to a lot of random things, and guess what? you somehow attracted to them. Random video about ambiance songs of Rohan LOTR with 3 hours length, funny historical fact video, ecosystem series by Netflix (they talk about Chernobyl also!), 2.5 hours documentaries of African Civilization (okay, I'm searching for this one) and to learn how people dressed at Victorian era! I don't know how the algorithm works, but let's take that as a chance to explore new things while we are limited physically and financially (and politically, because until now my country still has travel-ban to almost everywhere because they're bad to get rid COVID-19).
Kalau kupikir-pikir, sejak lima tahun lalu, sejak
motivasi untuk menulis dan membaca buku menghilang aku mulai memiliki kesukaan
yang aneh-aneh. Sebenarnya, tentang menulis itu sudah mulai muncul sejak
akhir-akhir SMA, di saat banyak kebingungan melanda. Akan memasuki era baru
dalam hidup, memilih universitas dan jurusan untuk berkuliah, besar-besarnya
hasrat untuk cabut dari rumah, merasa sedikit terasing di dunia nyata dan di
dunia maya.
Dengan banyak
hal macam-macam yang dipikirkan, hasrat untuk menulis turun... kemudian disusul
hasrat membaca. Tiga tahun berikutnya, kemalasan itu memuncak. Tulisan-tulisan
di blog ini menjadi begitu gelap, tidak ada fiksi yang kuanggap berhasil,
membaca buku pun hanya buku yang ditulis oleh penulis yang kusukai, itu pun setelah
kujeda berminggu-minggu.