So, how are days?
Like usual. Work, eat, sleep, stress, a Lil bit happy, nyebelin, repeat.
At least it's near holiday so I can take a rest from this busy world and do whatever I want. I'm planning to practice my ukulele playing. I learn how to do G chords wrong, jadinya masih belajar buat memainkannya dengan benar. Terus tahun 2020 kan mau habis, and I'm planning to finish my FF project that I already abandoned for 5 years straight, its only one chapter left. Terus keknya mau pulkam dulu deh, barang seminggu dua minggu.
Terus ngapain ya?
Wa udah pusing mikirin hal yang belum tentu bakalan aku lakukan dua minggu ke depan, sementara ada kerjaan menumpuk hari ini. But, excuse me it's saturday night, it's weekend. This is my time with my self. Coba kalau ngga Corona, was udah nongkrong di warkop, download Downtown Abbey sampai season terakhir.
Aku mau saaaaannsssss.
Oke in saja updatenya, hehehehe. Because I'm trying to get back to my writing habit.
and here, one of my belum lancar ukulele playing's footage (((but soon it will))).